When you're moving out, whether that be at the end of your contract or before your contract ends you might need to consider a few of the things below:  

  • Do you wish to leave the property?  

  • Have you finished university and wish to leave your rented accommodation?  

  • Will you have to give notice to the landlord to leave the property?

  • What do you need to do when moving out?  

  • Are you the only tenant who wishes to leave?  

  • If you are the only tenant who wants to leave, what are the consequences of this? 

  • What do you need to do to ensure that you get the deposit back? Does the landlord want you to leave?  

  • Can the landlord require you to leave?  

  • What do you need to do when moving out?  

  • What happens if the landlord wants one tenant to leave?  

  • Will you get your deposit back?  

  • What do you need to do to ensure that you get the deposit back? There are common themes across both you (the tenant) wishing to leave the property and the landlord wanting you to leave, such as obtaining the deposit and what the tenant needs to do upon leaving, which will be addressed separately.