Student Written Submission
The BPP Students’ Association creates a Student Written Submission (SWS) annually, this is based on feedback that we receive from our students through a variation of sources. The SWS highlights Good Practice areas, Affirmations and key Recommendations across the University.
This is a key report, allowing the collective Student Voice to be heard at the University. It provides a valuable platform allowing our students to work in partnership with the University and the ability to strengthen the University’s approach on ‘Together we Change’.
2023 - 2024
You can download the 2023-2024 Student Written Submission submitted to the University here.
The 2023/24 Student Written Submission follows the student journey at BPP University highlighting key areas of good practice and recommendations which the university will use to improve the student experience. Thank you to our student representatives and hard-working staff members who have been invaluable in creating this year's SWS.
2022 - 2023
You can download the 2022-2023 Student Written Submission submitted to the University here.
The 2022/23 Student Written Submission follows the student journey at BPP University highlighting ten areas of good practice and three recommendations which the university will by no doubt address with swift action. We would like to thank the students who were paramount in the completion of this indispensable document.
2021 - 2022
You can download the 2021-2022 Student Written Submission submitted to the University here.
The 2021/2022 Student Written Submission (SWS) reflects the student journey as we emerged out of the Covid-19 pandemic into face-to-face delivery of learning and teaching at BPP University. It is a positive read as the University was able to get many things right for students, this is thanks to the university truly embodying "Students as Partners" in the decision-making process for this transition. There are 12 areas of good practice and 2 recommendations for improvement and the University is committed to addressing these recommendations so that the student experience will continue to improve.
2020 - 2021
You can download the 2020-2021 Student Written Submission submitted to the University here.
The 2020/2021 Student Written Submission (SWS) was written against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and is one of our most successful submissions to date. It contained eight areas of good practice which demonstrates that BPP University got many things right for our students during this trying time. The SWS also contained eleven minor and three major recommendations. The eleven minor recommendations were achieved in short order as they provided the University an opportunity to gain some quick wins. The three major recommendations namely, Case Management System, Assessment Feedback and University Comms, were achieved by the end of 2021.
2019 - 2020
You can download the 2019-2020 Student Written Submission submitted to the University here.
Students’ Association Update – February 2020
The 2019/2020 Student Written Submission (SWS) was written and published with a view of achieving a number of recommendations which include: timely student finance comms; in-person timetable support; upgrade to common areas at BPP centres; 24-hour library services; improvements to Case Management System (CMS); updates to MoPPs and GARs; timely formative assessments; adequate feedback on formative assessments; adequate model answers which reflect first class grades; and revision classes for re-sit assessments. The Covid-19 pandemic began during the implementation of addressing these recommendations, caused some delay; however, all recommendations were achieved except for the desired improvements to CMS.