Out Of Hours Support


Did you hear? BPP has gone into partnership with a free & anonymous online mental health community for BPP students. During the working hours of 9am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday the Safeguarding Team and the Learning Support Team are here to support you with whatever you may need. However, outside of these working hours, BPP now has a fantastic online serivice to continue to support you even when we are not around. Togetherall provides BPP students with free tools and support so you can take control of your mental health and well-being, while staying connected to others with similar experiences. Join Togetherall’s anonymous community of peers for support and voice your feelings. Moderated by professionals to keep you safe, Togetherall is here for you. Check out this video for more information!

Share lived experiences with other like you. Join the Togetherall community today

Togetherall is a safe online community where BPP students can connect with others who understand what you’re going through, without ever having to share your real name. Whether you want to get advice, tips or just want someone to listen outside of your friendship group, Togetherall is available to you. Lots of students find Togetherall helpful as you can continue exploring your feelings at your own pace, speak to others in similar situations and make use of different resources without a time pressure- all in the one platform.

Through Togetherall, seek and share support with other students like you

In times of change and uncertainty, it’s important to stay connected and make your mental health a priority. Remember—Togetherall is a free and anonymous online community available 24/7 to all BPP students looking for mental health support and a sense of connection. Share your worries and questions with others experiencing the same struggles, keep a journal, set goals, take assessments and learn more about how to adjust to life’s challenges. Stress and change don’t need to dominate your life and talking it out can help. Sign up here today!

Do you need urgent help?

This site is not intended for individuals in an emergency. If you are in a life-threatening situation in the UK, please immediately dial 999 or go to your nearest Accident and Emergency department (A&E).