Wellbeing encompasses both physical and mental health, and is defined by the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. Wellbeing encompasses how we feel about ourselves, the quality of the relationships that we have with other people, and our sense of purpose.
The NHS and Mind have outlined the 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing:
- Connect with other people- having good relationships is an important aspect for your wellbeing, it helps you build a sense of belonging, to share positive experiences, and provides emotional support and allows you to support others. Try take time each day to be with friends or family, like eating dinner together, or arranging a day out with friends you have not seen for a while. Remember to not rely on technology or social media alone to build relationships, but do utilize technology to stay in touch with friends and family.
- Be physically active- being physically active in any way that works for you is a great way to improve your all round wellbeing. This will be stuff like finding activities to help you get fit, and remembering to try to some form of physical activity every day. This may look different for everyone so find what works for you.
- Learn new skills- research shoes that learning new skills can improve your mental wellbeing by boosting your self-esteem and helping build a sense of purpose, as well as potentially connecting you with others. This can be skills like learning to cook something new, taking on a new responsibility at work, working on a DIY project, signing up for an online course, or trying a new hobby like writing or painting!
- Give to others- acts of giving and kindness can also help improve your wellbeing, giving positive feelings and a sense of reward and self-worth. This could be by volunteering in your community, connecting with family or friends who might need support or company, of offering to help someone you now with a project.
- Practice Mindfulness- paying attention to the present moment and practicing mindfulness can improve your wellbeing