Congratulations to our Graduates!
The schedule for the Ceremony on 21st May is as follows:

Please ensure that you arrive on time - according to the time shown in the table above. If you arrive any later you may miss the ceremony, as it takes time to get your gown and have photos taken.
Information re what to do on the day - Check this guide, as well as the Ceremony Etiquette.
Live-streaming the ceremony - For any family or friends that can't be there, we will be live streaming the ceremony, please share the following link:
Digital Brochure - Please click here to view the brochure. To find your name under your award title, on the contents pages (18 - 20) we have inserted clickable links so you can see your name easier.
Are you taking children to graduation? If yes, please click here
Achieve your goals with the BPP Careers Service by clicking here and make sure to complete the graduate outcomes survey.
Short helpful videos: Check out these videos for you and your guests!